About time to write about us
Once upon a time there was a young shepherd boy who lived in a small village near the hills. He was often bored and lonely and so he would amuse himself by playing pranks on the villagers. One day, he decided to have some fun by crying out “Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is coming!” The villagers, believing the boy, ran up the hill to drive the wolf away.
But when they got there, they found nothing. The boy had been lying. The villagers were angry and scolded him for his prank. But the boy didn’t listen and soon he was doing it again.
One day, when the boy was out tending his flock, a wolf really did appear. He cried out, “Wolf! Wolf!” But this time, no one came to help him. The villagers had had enough of his tricks and refused to believe him.
The wolf quickly chased the sheep away, leaving the boy alone and frightened. But it was too late to cry for help. The wolf had gone and the boy was left with no one to turn to. He had learned a hard lesson about the consequences of lying.
From then on, the boy was more honest and thoughtful. He no longer played pranks on anyone
The moral of The Boy Who Cried Wolf is: Even if you are telling the truth, lying destroys trust because no one believes a liar.